Deployment changelog
May 20, 2013
We've upgraded our Fabric deployment scripts so that we can now see all of
the commits that will be pushed as part of the deployment.
As we mature as a company and a development team, our use of Fabric to script
basic tasks is also maturing. Our latest addition is to incorporate the git
changelog into the deployment script, so that prior to hitting the button we
get a clear and unambiguous view of what we are about to release:
$ fab heroku_deploy_app:live,options=1
Deploying git branch 'master' to 'xxxxx'
Target environment: live
Git branch: master
Git remote:
Force push: False
Preboot: True
Heroku app: xxxxx
Options: 1
[1] Git push: True
[2] Syncdb: False
[4] Migrations: False
[8] Load fixtures: False
[16] Collect static: False
Git changelog since release v245:
* Fix contract declined hipchat message
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YunoJuno Tech Team
Making Freelance Work