Building a team is like making risotto
This analogy is available under a Creative Commons licence - use, amend, share
Hopefully the analogy is so clear and concise it doesn't need elaborating, but I'll do it just in case...
Source :
When you have a small team, and you're trying to grow into a big team, you can become susceptible to team indigestion - the new . . .
Testing developers by pull request
You gotta git our workflow, man
Here at YJ HQ we use a lot of freelancers - obvious when you think about it,but it does pose certain challenges. The main issue is that the team is fluid, and that puts a greater emphasis on the team fit than normal - we simply can't afford for someone to spend three months getting used to the way we work.
To that end, the most . . .
Docker at YunoJuno
How we (don't) use Docker in our daily workflow
Attribution unknown, source
I recently saw an article on HN entitled "Docker at Lyst" which contained the following quote re. their use of Docker within the development team, as opposed to production:
It [Development] mostly works but we are considering moving to a Vagrant . . .
Heroku app aliases
Using git remotes to alias your apps
We have four permanent Heroku apps running in production (our live site, our staging site, a development site and a demo) as well as various ephemeral apps that get created for long-running branches. Running Heroku CLI commands can become a bit of a pain in scenarios like this as you have to append the app name as an option:
# this will . . .
Simple request profiler for Django
From the "If you can't measure it, it didn't happen" department.
Premature optimisation is the root of all evil
The most important word in the above quote by Donald Knuth, who knows a thing about programming, is 'premature'. If premature optimisation really is the root of all evil, then how do you know when to begin? If you're anything like us, then "when people start . . .
We're Lean, handle with care
Original title: The Trouble With Lean
The original title of this post was "The problem with Lean", but that sounded negative, so I went with needy instead.
From the inside of a company, lean practices are great - they are efficient, responsive, and allow a small startup to iterate and advance at breakneck speed. The combination of early launches, measurement . . .
Tip: OSX Open File Dialog misfire
How to correct OSX's Finder Failure
[UPDATE: there is no update. This is still an issue in Yosemite]
I've had an ongoing hate affair with OSX's Finder app, which is so inferior to Windows Explorer as to make me want to switch back on a daily basis. It's terrible, and one of the bugs that has been annoying me most recently is the Case of the Missing . . .