Custom deployments with Codeship
Deploy to a specific Heroku environment based on committer with a custom script
(tl;dr this is a precursor of a longer post on continuous deployment at YunoJuno, and deals specifically with custom Codeship deployments.)
In addition to hosting our dev, uat (staging) and live environments on Heroku, we now have separate Heroku environments (apps) for each developer on the team. We used to allow developers to push . . .
Trifecta, part 3: the app
Putting it all together with virtualenv (and foreman)
(This is the final (possibly) article in a series of four, and follows on from Docker services. Code from this series of articles is available on Github as yunojuno/trifecta, and the VM is available on Atlas, the Vagrant box repository hosted by Hashicorp.)
If you've been following this series to date, you will now have a vanilla . . .
Migrating to Django 1.8: a journey logbook
Upgrading the framework your entire website relies on is a hard job, but someone has to do it. It was my turn here at YJ: migrating from Django 1.7.8 to 1.8.2.
Here's the list of things that broke on the way. Many of them are documented in the release notes, some of them are not: they're probably quite niche and specific to . . .
Trifecta, part 2: Docker services
Create your own Heroku-like addons
(This is the third article in a series of four, and follows on from Vagrant as the base OS. Code from this series of articles will be made available on Github as yunojuno/trifecta.)
Following on from the previous article, we now have a Vagrant VM,running Ubuntu 14.04, with Python 2.7.9 installed, along with Virtualenv and Docker:
. . .Trifecta, part 1: Vagrant as the base OS
Part one of the dev trifecta series
(This is the second article in a series of four - following on from Vagrant, Docker, Virtualenv - the dev trifecta. The next article in this series is now available - Docker services. Code from this series of articles will be made available on Github as yunojuno/trifecta.)
As discussed in the opening article, the base platform for . . .
Vagrant, Docker, Virtualenv - the dev trifecta
Build yourself a local Heroku
(This is the first part of a four-part series. Part two is now available - Vagrant as the base OS)
Having your developers write code and run it in an environment that matches your production environment can prevent nasty surprises, but how can do this when your application is hosted on Heroku, and your company doesn't own a . . .
Securing a Django site at the perimeter
Sometimes contrib.auth just isn't enough
We run a number of working environments on Heroku - in addition to the live site we have dedicated UAT and DEV environments, a DEMO environment for the sales team, and since the recent Heroku pricing changes we're thinking about a spinning up a new environment per developer (so they can push feature branches to a public location for . . .